In today’s complex world, naval platforms are often deployed to dangerous environments. It’s expected that they encounter adverse weather and navigational threats, but other hazards also pose a real danger. Threats can include offensive actions using Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) agents and toxins. Protecting naval ships from CBRN threats has become important for several reasons.
Crew safety is a primary concern as CBRN threats can lead to casualties, injuries and long-term health issues for crew members. CBRN agents such as nerve gases, or biological agents such as deadly viruses can disable or kill sailors quickly.
CBRN threats can potentially ruin or disrupt efficient execution of naval missions such as combat operations or humanitarian relief efforts. As key assets in a nation’s defense strategy, naval vessels are integral to national security. Finally, CBRN threats can cause long-term damage to the environment. A chemical spill or biological contamination at sea can negatively impact marine ecosystems and coastal areas.
Luckily, advances in technology have led to CBRN detection devices that can detect a wide range of conventional and unconventional threats such as CWAs, toxic industrial material, non-traditional agents, virus, bacteria and spores. We offer devices from a variety of manufacturers such as Proengin, whose products can operate under harsh conditions of humidity and temperatures. The AP4C-F/FB, for example, is combat-proven flame spectrometer with a detection process that is automatic, making it easy to use and maintain. See all our CBRNE products or contact us for information.